Letter from Wall Street To PM Modi: Politics Can Wait But Economy Cannot
Hey Guys, We all know the current state of Indian Economy which is absolutely terrible and it also seems like the current government is not at all interested to make it better. In fact, the finance minister of India should know that ditching briefcase for red bag to carry Budget papers won’t help at all. Guys there's a lot to speak about Indian Economy but I will write a separate blog on it soon. Today's blog is about a letter to India's PM. It's about the letter that Mr. Narendra Modi gets from Wall Street. Krishna Memani, formerly the high profile Vice Chairman of investment at Invesco is a Wall Street veteran and a keen India watcher writes a letter. © https://twitter.com/krishnamemani The following letter is, By Krishna Memani Dear Prime Minister Modi, I fully understand that there is a lot going on in India. And all of those issues need to be addressed. However, from my perspective nothing is more important than dealing with the u...